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        3. Testing Equipment
          Production Equipment Testing Equipment Range Of Application  
          Rigorous work style, pragmatic, never slack, rooted in the certificate of every production process. Highly responsible inspectors attentively in every parts, coupled with the most advanced testing equipment and strict scientific management, is a production of finished products can stand the carefully selected customers.

          Cultivation and extension staff jobs growth, provide vast space for employees to reach personal potential and cultivate a batch of high quality, hard technology, has a highly social sense of responsibility and technical personnel, the company in the management level and continuously improve on its practical operation ability, is the highest state of QinFeng is committed to the pursuit of.

          About Rifeng
          Company Profile
          Rifeng Honor
          General Manager Speech
          Enterprise Video
          RIFENG News
          Industry Dynamic
          Sanitary, Industrial ball valve
          Sanitary Pneumatic ball valve health
          Sanitary ball valves
          Quality Guarantee
          Production Equipment
          Checkout Equipment
          Range Of Application
          Customer Service
          Online Message
          Data Download
          After-sales Service
          Copyright © 2014 WENZHOU RIFENG science and technology LTD All Rights Reserved.
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